NLBC Online Giving

So let each one give as he purposeth in his heart; not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. ~2 Corinthians 9:7

Welcome to New Life Body of Christ’s online giving. This system enables you to give your tithes, offerings, and donations in a safe and easy way, using your credit, debit, or bank account.  You can give one time or set up recurring donations.   We are a 501c3 non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible.   

Every seed that you sow is used to fulfill our mission of "Touching People and Changing Lives" through the preaching and demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ both locally and abroad! We thank you for your financial support of this ministry! Your generosity is making a difference! God Bless you and may Heaven continue to smile upon you.

Click the "MAKE A DONATION" button below to make an online donation. 


NLBC Mobile Text Giving

Please read the following before making your mobile text donation. 

1. Text the amount + fund name you would like to give to 808-468-NLBC  


2. If you are a first time, text-giving donor, you should quickly receive a reply text prompting you to visit a secure link to set up your account.  

3. When you click this link, enter your credit or debit card information.

4. At this point, your donation will process. 

5. You will receive a confirmation text showing your donation and registration were successful.  

If you already have an online giving account, your email address will link the two accounts together and you will be able to track your online and mobile giving history in one place.  


  • To donate to a specific fund, text the dollar amount + fund name (Example: 20 Offering or 20 Tithes - you do not need to type the + sign) 
  • For a list of fund names, text the word "KEYWORDS" and you will receive a reply text including a list of fund names you can to donate to. 
  • If you only text a monetary value, your donation is automatically attributed to the "Offering" fund.  
  • For help, text the word "Help".
  • To reset your credit/debit card information, text the word "Reset".